
FLUFF RADIO REVIEW #13: The Ashley and Chuck Norris Show

Show 13 (14 if you're the superstitious type) features our first ever less-than-30-people guest stars, Ms. Ashley, a good friend of Annie's for the past 20 years, as well as Chuck Norris, who, while quite silent during much of the episode delivered a fatal roundhouse to Colleen during her signature goodbye at the end of the show. She will be missed...(DIBS ON HER DDR MATS!) This show was our longest to date, editing it down from 64 minutes of audio goodness down to 42. So much good stuff was taken out we could have made TWO Fluff shows out of it! Hmmm is it time yet for a blooper episode...I suggest you listen carefully and keep an eye out for weevils, Norris, and soapy pasta.

Musical Guest:

Mad Caddies performing "Just One More" (via the Podsafe Music Network) and Deep Six performing "First Days of Summer"

Tales of Wonder:
  • Roadside Attractions of the South-West: Hey Baby, Nice (straight) Ass (road)!
  • The Worst Cooks in the World
  • "Making Friends 101" Taught by Professor Ashley
  • CNN Ticker Guy's Last Day on the Job

Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context:
  • "There's a Margarita Festival that I saw on TV one time where they make this gigantic enchiladas...I mean Margarita."
  • "You know those black spots in the potatoes...that's not pepper. It's weevils."
  • "Jesus was Vice President of your kindergarten?!"
  • "It's the Botox. It's building up like a pimple!"

mp3 of Fluff Radio Review Show 13
(right click to save or just normal finger click to play)


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