
FLUFF RADIO REVIEW #10: Giant Vats We'd Like to Fall Into

Holy crappers! We've made it to our first landmark for a podcast show and believe you me we aren't the type to skip any chance for celebratory activities! Thanks to all you folks for listening and spreading the word of the Fluff. This week's show features a super special musical guest, the stellar CORN MO, who if you don't already know you about you obviously have your head in a cardboard box! A really thick cardboard box! With no holes! Which means you're probably hungry! Very hungry! Because you have a box on your head! I can't stop exclaiming things! But it's understandable because we hit show 10!

Musical Guest:

Corn Mo performing "Busey Boy" and "I'll Be Your Platypus"

  • The Arnold vs. The Lipton
Tales of Wonder:
  • Tall Days
  • Colleen's First Child Meets His Daddy
Most Memorable Lines Taken Out of Context:
  • "If you stare at this mp3 for 12 seconds bunnies are going to jump across your screen!"
  • "But my heart and my brain are not in the same place. Danny Devito get out of my belly!"
  • "Annie's making a monster, a cussing monster."

(right click to save or just normal finger click to play)


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