How to submit Fan Art:
1) Visit 2) Decide it isn't total crap 3) Get inspired to make art 4) Make art
Email art to fanart[a] (include your name, location, and link if you'd like us to plug it)
Check here to see the magic happen! Ladies'll be sawed, rabbits pulled from ears, & maybe we'll even put your art on the site.
Click on any of the images below to go to the archive.
Fan Art: 8- "The Fruit Roll Up Must Die"


8- "The Fruit Roll Up Must Die"

So little gnomes, you know the kind that live in shoeboxes at the top of closets, informed me that some of you folks may not be able to see these comics, mostly people using EXPLORER with MACS. The gnomes think you should download FOXFIRE or another browser that's nicer to pretty sites like this. They also think you should start cleaning behind your ears better. Seriously. It's weird back there.
created by Eric Skiff (Queens, NY), Glitch NYC

PREVIOUS FAN ART............................................................................NEXT FAN ART

18- "Reminiscence (or is it?)"
17- "Answer and Get a Free Handbag!"
16- The Furboa BAFFLER!
15- Dance Dance Revolutionaries
14- "Fluff in Tucson: All Souls Procession 2005"
13- "Furboa at Snoqualmie Falls"
12- "The Inevitable Product Endorsement"
11- "Shelley Hall"
10- "The Super Tadpole Theme Song(as heard Saturda...
9- "Amazing Knitted Furboa Jerboa Bag"

Current Fan Art

Fluff Fan Art Archive

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