How to submit Fan Art:
1) Visit 2) Decide it isn't total crap 3) Get inspired to make art 4) Make art
Email art to fanart[a] (include your name, location, and link if you'd like us to plug it)
Check here to see the magic happen! Ladies'll be sawed, rabbits pulled from ears, & maybe we'll even put your art on the site.
Click on any of the images below to go to the archive.
Fan Art: 7- "Derby's Final 40 Seconds"


7- "Derby's Final 40 Seconds"

40 Seconds Later...

created by Jim Sargent (Boston, MA)

PREVIOUS FAN ART............................................................................NEXT FAN ART

18- "Reminiscence (or is it?)"
17- "Answer and Get a Free Handbag!"
16- The Furboa BAFFLER!
15- Dance Dance Revolutionaries
14- "Fluff in Tucson: All Souls Procession 2005"
13- "Furboa at Snoqualmie Falls"
12- "The Inevitable Product Endorsement"
11- "Shelley Hall"
10- "The Super Tadpole Theme Song(as heard Saturda...
9- "Amazing Knitted Furboa Jerboa Bag"

Current Fan Art

Fluff Fan Art Archive

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